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OpenAir is a powerful professional services automation (PSA) platform that helps organizations manage key business processes like project management, resource management, time tracking, expense reporting and more. One of the advantages of OpenAir is its flexibility – it can adapt to fit different business models and workflows.

However, there are often unique business needs that require customizations beyond OpenAir’s out-of-the-box capabilities. This is where leveraging OpenAir’s scripting engine can open up new possibilities.

As an OpenAir solution partner for over 15 years, Top Step has extensive experience building custom scripts to extend OpenAir in innovative ways for clients. Here are some interesting examples of scripts we’ve created to enable greater productivity and compliance for OpenAir users.

Enhanced Notifications and Reminders

Email notifications in OpenAir are useful for basic alerts like timesheet approvals or expense report approvals. However, email can be easy to overlook and ignore. We’ve scripted alternative notification channels like Slack, Microsoft Teams and text messaging to cut through the noise and get users’ attention for key reminders.

For example, one client needed overdue timesheet reminders to stand out, so we sent Slack messages to delinquent users. The immediacy of Slack on their desktop/mobile proved far more effective than email.

Automating Data Entry and Field Population

Manual data entry into OpenAir can be time consuming and prone to human error. Scripts allow automation to eliminate tedious tasks.

One client required annual cost rate updates for all users. Rather than updating hundreds of user cost rates by hand, we scripted uploading a rates spreadsheet to rapidly apply the changes.

Scripts can also auto-populate fields based on calculations/business logic not available out-of-the-box. For a client needing custom percent complete values per project, we scripted taking OpenAir progress metrics and calculating percent complete into a custom field.

Data Validation and Policy Enforcement

Mistakes happen, but bad data in OpenAir creates big downstream problems in areas like billing and integrations. Scripts add validation to prevent incorrect data entry.

A client had issues with project managers selecting the wrong service on tasks, which caused billing errors. We scripted validation requiring the task service match the linked sales order service, avoiding further mismatches.

Scripted validations can also enforce policies and standards. To identify timesheet compliance issues, we’ve scripted auditing when each timesheet was submitted vs. approved per policy deadlines. Storing submission/approval times enabled reporting on compliance rates.

Integration and Workflow Enhancements

OpenAir’s APIs enable connecting other systems like CRMs, HCMs and ERPs. We’ve scripted various integrations and workflow automations, such as:

  • Updating project status in the CRM when OpenAir project properties change
  • Syncing employee data from the HCM into OpenAir
  • Automated order creation from Opportunities when they hit a defined stage

Scripts make these complex integrations and processes possible without extensive custom development.

Custom Reporting and Analytics

While OpenAir provides robust reporting, there are often niche reporting needs it doesn’t address out-of-the-box. We’ve used scripts to capture and store custom data points to enable reports like:

  • Timesheet compliance rates and turnaround time averages
  • Resource utilization forecasting by role
  • Aged receivables accounting for payment terms

Storing custom data through scripts unlocks reporting that provides operational insights not available otherwise.

The Importance of Governance

While scripts provide endless possibilities, careful governance is crucial. Documenting scripts, establishing change control processes, testing intensively, and controlling access/permissions are best practices we recommend.

Scripts should be optimized for maintainability as business needs evolve. Hard-coding static values rather than using variables can cause headaches down the road.

Scripts also need regular auditing. Validations and automations can introduce dependencies that require ongoing monitoring and maintenance as integrations change over time.

With the proper governance model, scripts allow safely enhancing OpenAir in ways unmatched by any other PSA tool.

Expert Support for Custom OpenAir Solutions

Hopefully these examples illustrate the immense potential unlocked by OpenAir scripts – from supercharging productivity to solving complex business challenges.

Top Step has unmatched experience leveraging OpenAir’s flexibility to create high-value solutions tailored to each client’s needs. If you have an OpenAir scripting need, our experts can design and deliver the ideal solution while ensuring proper governance every step of the way.

Want to see how scripts can help your organization get more out of OpenAir? Contact Top Step today to discuss your unique requirements and how we can help take your OpenAir platform to the next level.

About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.

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