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When setting up a time billing rule within a project, Open Air gives you the option to set the Billing Rates for that specific rule.  If the option (Get Billing Rates from : Users) is selected, then one has the option to override the user rate on the billing rule. Typically, this override is set up upon the billing rules creation, however you might encounter a time where a particular user’s override rate needs to be updated in bulk.

get billing rates from users option selected when setting up a time billing rule within a project

Use the UPRate

The User Override Rate is not stored in the Project Billing Rule table, So you will have to use the table User Project Rate in order to make your updates to the project billing rule.

using the integration manager to create a csv load file for the User Project Rate table

You will create a csv load file with the headers of

Billing Rule ID, Project ID, User ID, Rate and map as follows

mapping the fields that will appear in the csv load file for the user project rate table

After successful completion of the data load,  multiple projects and multiple billing rules will have been updated with User Override Rates.

multiple projects and multiple billing rules updated with user override rates


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