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Often, we work with clients that have the concept of Project Portfolio managers.  Portfolio managers need access to a group of projects within the project, resource and report modules; however, they are not project owners, nor are they assigned or booked to those projects.  

So how do you give access to this group of projects without giving Portfolio manager “All Access” within their filter set?  You can use project hierarchies to do so.  This requires a switch to be enabled in OpenAir: “Enable ability to define project hierarchy for filter sets”.  

Once enabled, you can create a hierarchy for the list of Portfolio managers and assign the hierarchy to each project.  The hierarchy must have the setting to “Use to determine filter set access for projects”.

Assign projects to the Portfolio Manager hierarchy.

On the user record, assign Project level access to the Portfolio manager node.

Using this combination of settings, you can provide a Portfolio Manager access to their projects without needing assignments or bookings.  


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