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NetSuite’s OpenAir Professional Services Automation (PSA) platform is renowned for its robust set of features, seamless integrations, and powerful reporting capabilities, making it an indispensable asset for services based organizations worldwide. However, the true strength of OpenAir lies in its inherent flexibility, which paves the way for endless possibilities.

In this guide, we will delve into use cases for using OpenAir’s scripting capabilities—an exciting avenue that empowers you to extend and automate the already remarkable capabilities of OpenAir. With scripting, you can tailor your PSA instance precisely to your unique requirements, revolutionizing your business’s efficiency and productivity.

While scripting might seem daunting initially, fear not! OpenAir comes equipped with a suite of built-in features designed to facilitate the swift and accurate creation of custom scripts.  Let’s explore a few areas where OpenAir scripting can improve your organization’s productivity.

Automated Resource Allocation and Utilization Optimization

Innovative OpenAir users can leverage scripting to develop custom solutions that automatically allocate and optimize resources within their organization. By analyzing historical data, project requirements, and resource availability, custom scripts can intelligently assign the right personnel to projects, ensuring optimal utilization of skills and reducing downtime. The benefits of this implementation are manifold. Companies can achieve higher project success rates, minimize resource bottlenecks, and maintain a balanced workload across teams. Consequently, projects are completed more efficiently, and the overall productivity of the organization increases significantly.

Real-time Budget Tracking and Cost Control

By using OpenAir scripting, users can create real-time budget tracking tools that provide up-to-the-minute insights into project expenditures. These scripts can monitor expenses, compare them against predefined budgets, and send alerts to project managers when costs are approaching or exceeding the allocated thresholds. With such proactive cost control measures in place, businesses can prevent budget overruns, identify cost-saving opportunities promptly, and maintain profitability on projects. This innovative use of OpenAir scripting empowers financial decision-makers with accurate, data-driven insights, leading to better fiscal planning and improved financial outcomes.

Dynamic Client-specific Reporting and Dashboards

OpenAir’s reporting capabilities are already extensive, but with scripting, users can take it a step further by creating custom client-specific reports and dashboards. These scripts can automatically generate tailored reports based on individual client preferences, KPIs, and requirements. This level of personalization not only strengthens the client relationship but also boosts transparency and communication. Clients can access real-time data specific to their projects, track progress, and stay informed about crucial metrics. The benefits include enhanced client satisfaction, better project collaboration, and the potential for new business opportunities due to the professional and data-driven client experience.

In summary, OpenAir users can unlock the true potential of the platform through innovative scripting use cases. These use cases go beyond the out-of-the-box features and provide tailored solutions that address unique business needs. By automating resource allocation, implementing real-time budget tracking, and offering dynamic client-specific reporting, companies can experience enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and improved client relationships. Embracing these innovative scripting capabilities expands the horizon of possibilities with NetSuite OpenAir and ensures that organizations extract maximum value from the PSA platform.

If you want to learn more about scripting for OpenAir, you can find out more in our webinar, The Power of OpenAir Scripting.  Top Step’s team has extensive knowledge in both the business domains of professional services, deep understanding of OpenAir capabilities, as well as programming for the platform. We’ve developed hundreds of customizations and integrations for OpenAir users and would love to bring that expertise to your PSA project, too. Contact us today to discuss how we can partner with you to help you get the most out of your OpenAir platform.

About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.

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