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Keeping track of timesheets and ensuring compliance can be a time-consuming task for professional services organizations. However, with the right process and OpenAir scripts in place, this process can be simplified, saving both time and effort. In this article, we will discuss three OpenAir scripts that can make timesheet compliance simple and hassle-free.

Auto-Populate Holiday Hours

One of the most tedious tasks when it comes to timesheets is manually entering holiday hours for employees. The “Auto-Populate Holiday Hours” script solves this problem by allowing organizations to enter the holiday schedule in OpenAir ahead of time. Once the holiday schedule is set, the script automatically populates the corresponding hours in employee timesheets. This eliminates the need for manual entry and ensures accuracy in recording holiday hours. By saving time and effort for both businesses and employees, this script has become a favorite among users.

Timesheet Compliance

Ensuring timesheet compliance is crucial for organizations to maintain accurate records and streamline their operations. The “Timesheet Compliance” script plays a vital role in this process. It collects the status of timesheets that have not been approved by the organization’s defined deadline and sends email notifications to key stakeholders. These notifications contain a well-formatted HTML table report, summarizing the timesheet compliance values. The report provides valuable insights into users’ compliance in OpenAir, allowing stakeholders to make informed decisions and take necessary actions to improve timesheet submission and approval times. With its clean and simple overview, this script helps organizations track their overall performance in timesheet compliance.

Auto Reject Timesheets That Exceed Bookings

For companies that closely monitor project or task budgets, the “Auto Reject Timesheets That Exceed Bookings” script is a game-changer. This script introduces a system account as a pseudo-approver in the timesheet approval process. When timesheets are submitted, they are sent to this account for approval. The script then analyzes all the timesheets in the account’s approval queue and identifies any time entries that exceed the associated user’s bookings on the projects. In such cases, the script automatically rejects those timesheets. This feature ensures that projects do not go over their allocated budgets. Additionally, the script can be customized to display a message showing the budget along with the hours exceeding it. This simplifies the identification of steps required for remediation, making budget management effortless.

In conclusion, implementing these three OpenAir scripts can greatly simplify timesheet compliance for organizations. The Auto-Populate Holiday Hours script saves time by automatically filling in holiday hours, the Timesheet Compliance script provides a clear overview of compliance status for better decision-making, and the Auto Reject Timesheets That Exceed Bookings script ensures that budgets are not exceeded. By streamlining these processes, organizations can focus on more important tasks and improve overall efficiency.

If you’re interested in leveraging these scripts or need custom scripts tailored to your specific needs, send us a script request. Our team at TopStep is ready to assist you in simplifying your timesheet compliance journey.

About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.

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