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Did you know you can have users’ weekly booked hours pre-populate timesheets in NetSuite OpenAir?

We are commonly asked if a user’s booked or planned project hours for the week can automatically populate the timesheet in NetSuite OpenAir; well, they can! To take advantage of this setting, contact NetSuite OpenAir Support and request that the switch “When creating a timesheet, automatically create time entries for bookings.” be enabled for your instance.

Once enabled, there are two options to select from: one keeps the booked hours the same to populate on the timesheet, and the other clears the hours only leaving the project (and task if resources are booked to a task)


There is also an option to designate only specific booking types to determine booked hours to be populated on time entries.


This feature is excellent for organizations that rely on booked hours at a task level each week for planning and time management. Utilizing this feature provides users with a direct view of where time and work will be allocated for the week and allows end users to prioritize accordingly.

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