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One of the many strengths of NetSuite’s OpenAir is its invoicing capabilities. It was designed to streamline the invoicing process and accommodate any number of approval workflows. It can handle regular, static billing amounts as well as calculated ones, different billing rates, and so on. You can even add a regular recurring charge – if that charge is always the same.

What if it’s not, though? What if a charge – or a discount – is based on the invoice amount? Depending on the volume of invoices, this can be a time-consuming process prone to mistakes. If this describes your situation, you’re not alone. Top Step has helped other companies automate their variable recurring charges, and it seems to be a growing need.

The Challenge with Recurring Variable Invoice Charges in OpenAir

We’ve seen this challenge in a few different circumstances, and we’ve seen use cases that range from the addition of an administrative fee to the more common application of a discount. Since the discount is more common, we’ll use that as an example, but keep in mind that this applies to adding a fee just as easily as reducing an invoice amount.

If you’ve offered your customer a flat rate discount off of each invoice, OpenAir handles that beautifully. But if that discount is a percentage of the total invoice, and that invoice varies, there isn’t an out-of-the-box, automated way to handle this. Instead, before the invoice is approved, someone would need to go in and add the discount.

If you only have one client that this applies to, that might not seem like a big deal. However, if you’re offering a discount to more than a few customers, this can be a time-consuming and error-prone process. The wrong amount might be discounted, or it might be forgotten altogether. In either case, you could have a customer satisfaction issue with which to deal. Or, you could end up looking at revenue reports and trying to figure out why the number is smaller than it should be.

Even if you only have a few clients, automating a task like this ensures no issues or mistakes. With a script, you’ll never forget to add the discount (or fee), and it will never be the wrong amount.

How the Recurring Variable Invoice Charge Script Works

Having an OpenAir script that handles these use cases ensures consistency and accuracy.

The variable billing amount – such as a discount or fee – is added based on a form. The benefit of this is that you can alter it yourself if the amount should change. There is no need to touch the script once it’s set up. For example, if you choose to change the discount from 10% to 5%, that can be easily accomplished with the OpenAir form. If you’re applying a fee instead of a discount, those changes would be managed the same way.

The charge can be added at nearly any stage of the invoicing process. We’ve had some clients choose to add the variable discount or fee when the invoice is created. More commonly, we see clients decide to add the variable amount when the invoice is submitted for approval.

Automate Your Recurring Variable Invoice Charges

We’ve already helped a handful of clients with recurring variable invoice charges. As mentioned, adding a script helps keep your invoices accurate and consistent without adding additional work to the team members involved in creating or approving invoices.

Interested in learning more about our recurring variable invoice script? Or do you have a need for a custom script for your OpenAir implementation? Chances are, we’ve come across the same or a similar challenge in the dozens of clients we’ve worked with. Reach out to us and let’s discuss how we can help you get more from your professional services automation platform.

About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.

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