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Managing Your Project Plan Using the Project Center in SuiteProjects Pro

One of the strengths of SuiteProjects Pro is the flexibility for managing project plans.  Traditionally project plans were managed via project task assignments with dates and predecessor relationships.  But if you would prefer to have resource bookings drive the project plan instead, SuiteProjects Pro has options to accommodate this requirement.

Steps to enable:

  • Enable the Project Center and all related switches
  • Confirm that you are booking resources to project tasks
  • Create a project plan using predecessor relationships
  • Within the project properties, a custom field gets automatically created called “Base project Plan on Bookings”

By checking this box, resource bookings end dates will now set the project task finish dates.  If a task has a “Finish to start” predecessor relationship with another task, then by extending a booking, the start and finish dates will be updated.

However, as related tasks are updated by the booking being extended, the bookings are not updated so now the bookings may be “off schedule” of the task calculated dates.  These ‘off schedule’ bookings can be highlighted in the project center and will need to be manually updated.


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