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NetSuite OpenAir Tips

A timesheet is just a timesheet, isn’t it?

Back from vacation and time to pick up on those weekly blogs again!   I thought I would start with a topic near and dear to everyone's heart - timesheets! The concept of timesheets is a pretty straight forward one – ...

Managing Resources Directly from the Projects Module

As a project manager, you find yourself in the Projects Module a lot within OpenAir taking care of project planning, budget tracking and overall team management. Part of project management, however, often pertains to resource scheduling through either managing resource ...

Starting Off in the Right Place (Module)

For the longest time, you may have been logging into OpenAir and defaulting into the Home, Account or Dashboard module (depending on your version of the system).  From here you navigate to a desired module for functional use of the ...

Logging In Multiple Times and Keeping Track of Modules

When working with OpenAir, many times you find yourself having to compare information between screens or modules. This is best handled by logging into the application more than once. Another tip however is to keep track of which module you ...

What’s in your wallet (to cover expenses)? – Part II

Read Part 1 of this 2-part series. In this blog continuation, we’re talking about the tracking and handling of employee expenses.  When running a business, one of the things you definitely need to deal with is expenses of all types:  ...

What’s in your wallet (to cover expenses)? – Part I

When running a business, one of the things you definitely need to deal with is expenses of all types:  travel expenses, equipment expenses, facility expenses, subscription and association fees, payroll expenses, and much more!   A couple of expenses are predictable ...

Quick entry of Vendor cost without Proxy!

Tracking the cost of subcontractors can be quite tedious if you are using approaches like expense reports or timesheets as they require the subcontractor or someone logging in as the subcontractor (proxy) to enter expense and timesheet data.  Another option ...

The Give and Take of Global Teams

I’ve had the opportunity to work with many global clients and be on many global teams.  Many of you may find yourself in similar situations.  What I find interesting in each of these engagements is how global team coordination and ...

Controlling End Date on Tasks

Project plans in OpenAir are made up of phases and tasks to manage both budget and schedule of the engagement. The task form in OpenAir defaults to have a start date available and support predecessors to link tasks together. This ...

Task Grid/Worksheet Customizations per User

If you use tasks on your projects, you most likely also use the Task Grid or Worksheet option to quickly create or update multiple tasks at once. Your system administrator sets up the columns displayed on the Worksheet but depending ...

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