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With Professional Services Automation

Innovate and Realize Business Value Faster

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Timesheet Approval Tips & Tricks

The Power of Professional Services Automation

Achieve Consistent and Predictable Revenue

  • Improve resource planning– start projects sooner,
    capture revenue faster
  • Increase resource utilization
  • Optimize project profitability– model "what if" scenarios

Reduce Operational Costs

  • Make critical decisions faster with real-time visibility and reporting
  • Streamline project accounting and billing and reduce time for period-end close
  • Reduce redundancy and improve data quality with integration of core systems

Empower Employees with Professional and Personal Achievement

  • Put the right staff on the right projects
  • Reduce Turnover
  • Develop and strengthen skills
  • Enable ownership and engagement in the business

Enable Customer Success

  • On budget, on time project delivery
  • Increase customer reference-ability
  • Improve lifetime value of customer with repeat business
Are you still using spreadsheets or a home grown system?
Is your current system forcing processes that don’t fit your business model?

Get PSA done right:


The Fundamental Business Case for Professional Services Automation Investment





Effective Resource Management to Balance Supply with Customer Demand During Tough Times





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The Latest OpenAir Tips, PS Best Practices & OpenAir Scripts

Text sign showing Did You Know Question.

Prevent Duplicate Records when NetSuite OpenAir Integration is Interrupted

OpenAir acknowledges a successful export by marking a record as exported and displaying its corresponding ID from NetSuite on the OpenAir record Properties form. However, if the export process is…
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Top Step Consulting Named a 2020 Fastest-Growing Firm by Consulting Magazine

Top Step Consulting Named a 2020 Fastest-Growing Firm by Consulting Magazine

Top Step, an award-winning and leading provider of Professional Services Automation solutions, has been named one of the country’s fastest-growing firms by Consulting magazine. Consulting Magazine recognizes the most successful companies…
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Open Box with light shinning out

Going Beyond the Box: OpenAir Scripting for Business Optimization

OpenAir is a renowned and highly sought-after PSA tool for its advanced features, capabilities, and seamless integration capabilities. Its inherent flexibility and customizability make the platform even more powerful. OpenAir’s…
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About Us:  Our mission is to enable and empower Professional Services Organizations to become profitable, scalable, and efficient through change management, technology deployment, and skill set training with a Customer First approach.

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