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OpenAir BI Connector Best Practices

Are you looking to seamlessly integrate your OpenAir data with external systems and BI tools? Watch this OpenAir Power Up Series video, where we'll explore the capabilities of the Business Intelligence (BI) connector. Discover how this powerful feature can streamline your reporting process, enhance data visibility, and open up new possibilities for data-driven decision-making.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to publish and schedule OpenAir reports for external BI tool integration
  • Explore real-time data sharing through list view publication
  • Understand the NetSuite connector option for creating dashboards within NetSuite
  • Discover how the BI connector can optimize custom scripting performance
  • Gain insights into licensing requirements and potential time-saving benefits

Whether you're looking to enhance executive visibility, streamline cross-system data sharing, or optimize your custom scripts, the BI connector has something to offer. Join us for this Power Up Series video and unlock the full potential of your OpenAir data. Stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions with the power of seamless data integration at your fingertips!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the BI connector need to be licensed separately?
Yes, you have to contact your account manager to get a licensing quote in order to have it enabled.

After a report is published, can it be refreshed?
Yes, you can schedule the report to be re-published using the report scheduler feature. 

Other than reports, what else can be published?
List views can also be published. The benefit of publishing list views is they do not require re-publishing and are real time.

Can data in published reports be visible in NetSuite?
Yes, you can publish a report to NetSuite then using a custom export, you can map report data to custom objects in NetSuite. 

Why would a report be published to be used by the scripting engine?
When using a scheduled script to read large data sets like time entries, publishing a report allows the script to read the report rather than read the individual transactions in the time entry table, allowing the script to avoid timeouts and run more efficiently.

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