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Mastering Customer PO Management in NetSuite OpenAir

In this video we discuss and demonstrate best practices and options for streamlining your PO management process in NetSuite OpenAir.  We cover how to: 

  • Set up and manage customer POs in OpenAir, from simple to advanced options
  • Assign multiple POs to a customer or project for greater flexibility
  • Create billing rules and charges that draw from your POs
  • Gain visibility into PO balances throughout the invoicing process for better financial management
  • Use agreements as an alternative or complement to POs for tracking MSA values

Frequently Asked Questions


If I am storing a customer PO on a project, can it be displayed on invoices?  

Yes, within the invoice layout, you can add project fields to display on the invoice. Note: This only works with one project per invoice setting.


Can multiple projects draw down from the same customer PO record? 

Yes, the customer PO is associated to the client so it can be shared across projects.


Where do I go to create customer PO records? 

Navigation is Administration-->Application Settings-->Invoices-->Customer POs


Other than assigning a customer PO to the project, are there any other actions needed?  

Yes, the customer PO also needs to be assigned to billing rules.


Is there an alternative record available if I am already using customer POs for another purpose? 

Yes, you can use Agreements which behave the same as customer POs.

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