Properly Use Caps on Time Billing Rules
Understanding how to properly configure Time Billing Rules with Caps is crucial to ensure accurate customer invoicing. Since SuiteProjects Pro doesn’t provide an automated way to cap invoiced amounts, using Caps on Billing Rules is the best method to prevent billing beyond the project budget.
To track amounts that exceed the Billing Rule Cap for reporting purposes (while excluding them from invoices), follow these steps:
Step 1: Create a Charge Stage
- Navigate to Administration > Application Settings > Invoices Settings > Charge stages
- Click Create
- Name the stage (e.g., Over Cap)
- Check the Display Charges in a separate tab box to add a new tab in the Invoices > Charges list view
- Check the Exclude Charges from invoicing box to prevent charges at this stage from being included in invoices
- Select the Position from the list
- Click Save
Step 2: Create two Billing Rules
For the first rule (to handle charges up to the cap):
- Navigate to Projects > [select a project] > Financials > Billing
- Click Create
- Billing rule: Select Time billing rule
- Enter the Cap amount
- Uncheck the option Do not bill time entries that exceed the cap, so that over-cap hours will be processed by the catch-all rule
- Check the option Adjust time entries to fit under cap
- Click Save
For the second rule (to handle overages):
- Create a second Time billing rule on the project
- Select the new charge stage created in the Other section
- For the Billing rule position, set this billing rule after the billing rule that has the cap
**Note:** If you don’t need to track overage amounts for reporting, simply check the “**Do not bill time entries that exceed the cap**” box on the first rule. In this case, you won’t need a second rule.