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Keep Projects on Track with Project Status News Feed Feature in SuiteProjects Pro

Keep your project stakeholders updated by adding, updating, and displaying project status messages.

Once this feature is enabled:

  • A news feed icon will appear in project record headers and QuickViews. Click this icon to access the project status news feed, where you can add new status updates or review existing ones.
  • You can add the “News feed — Status” column to your list view, which displays project status as a color-coded text badge, indicating whether there are updates and if a status has been set in the latest update.
  • Click the status to open the project status news feed from the projects list and view the latest status update details. You can sort and filter your data by status using the list sort and filtering options.

Each status update shows a date and time stamp and the name of the person who created it.

By default, the news feed shows the 5 most recent status updates. To view more, click Load more to see additional messages.

You can edit status updates, and any edited status will display (Edited) in the upper right corner. Hover over (Edited) to see when and who made the changes.

To enable this feature, contact SuiteProject Pro support and request to enable: Enable project news feed for all projects. Once enabled, for non-admin users, set the following permissions in the role settings:

  • View project news feed on any project
  • View and modify project status news feed on any project

Note: Project owners can add, view, modify or delete news feed messages for the projects they own even if they do not have this permission.


Adding a Project Status Update

  1. Open a Project > Click the Project Status Icon .
  2. In the Project Status panel, clickicon located in the top right corner. The New Status form will appear
  3. Enter a Title, select a Status, and enter a Status update.

Text format is also available and you have the option to enter URL or Email by clicking the icon.

  • URL – Select URL from the dropdown and enter a URL, then click the green tick mark. The URL must not include the or domain. When clicked, the URL will open in a new browser tab
  • Email address – Select Email from the dropdown and enter an email address, then click the green tick mark. You can also enter a subject line and a message body. When clicked, a new email will open in the user’s default application for mailto links. The email is prepopulated with the email address, subject line and message body.

Note: The status update text is limited to 3,000 characters.

  1. Click Save & Publish button

Editing and Deleting a Project Status Update

  1. In the Project Status Panel, click the three dots in the Status you need to modify or delete.
  2. The Edit and Delete button will appear.

Updating the Project Status News feed using the SOAP API, XML API or User Scripting

You can customize the project status news feed using the SOAP API and XML API. The APIs support reading, adding, modifying, upserting, and deleting news feed entries. For more information, see Newsfeed, NewsfeedMessage and Project.

You can also use the user scripting features to generate status updates automatically by script using data from SuiteProjects Pro or external applications and share information from project status news feed entries.

More information about this feature can be found on SA: 64039

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