Crosstabbed Reports Customized to Look Like a List
If you struggle to find the filters you need on a tabular report, using a crosstabbed report and suppressing the measures may be a good alternative. Crosstabbed reports have exponentially more filtering options.
Important note, if the project has no activity, then it will be omitted from the report output.
In this example, we created a report for Recognition Rules, filtered on only “As Billed”.
1. Select the columns you want to see in the rows.
2. Add the desired date range. In this example, I selected Inception to Date ending this year. Filtered, for “As Billed” Recognition Rule Type.
3. A measure is still required. Select an appropriate value. In this example I selected Recognized Revenue.
4. Then under columns click on both the date and the measure name to suppress them and run the report.