Converting Hours to Days for Billing in OpenAir
Using OpenAir billing rules, you can configure the rules to convert hours recorded on timesheets into days in order to invoice a customer by number of days.
Within a time billing rule, there is a section for Rounding Rules. This is where you can define the conversion of hours to days based on the terms of the contract/SOW.
If the contract dictates the customer will be billed for one day regardless of the number of hours worked within a day, set the rounding rules as below. In this example, there is a $1 rate card with a billing rate multiplier of $1,145, which is the daily bill rate.
Important to note in rounding rules:
- The first column is greater than
- The second column is less than or equal to
- Be sure to select the checkbox to create a daily charge
The below example allows you to bill in half day increments. If the number of hours is less than or equal to 4, the rule creates a charge for 50% of a day. If the number of hours is greater than 4, a charge for 100% of a day will be created.
*Please note these rules may not be compatible with billing rules created from NetSuite Sales Orders. Please work with your NetSuite Administrator to understand complexity.